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Each year the internet grows, just 2020 was a special year. The Coronavirus pandemic sent anybody domicile and forced us to rely on digital technology more than we always had to before. Social media, video platforms, eCommerce, and search all saw increased usage. The big question everyone is request is: will this continue?

It's likely some of the trends that emerged in 2020 volition subside, but many more than will stick. To become a clearer movie, here are all the almost relevant statistics about the internet in 2022.

2021 General Internet Usage Statistics

  • With a current worldwide estimated population of vii.8 billion, approximately four.93 billion people have access to and use the internet frequently. That means that 63.ii% of the world population uses the internet.
  • From the year 2000 to 2020, the usage of the cyberspace increased past 1,266%.
  • In 2021, Asia continues to business relationship for the majority of net users. 2,555,636,255 people in Asia are online, which makes up 51.8% of the global internet population.
  • xc.three% of North America and 87.two% of Europe take access to and employ the cyberspace daily. These are the ii regions in the world with the highest internet penetration rates.
  •  The Middle East has seen a v,227% growth in internet usage since 2000.
  • There are currently 370.vii million registered domain names in the globe.
  • 34.v% of all websites are using WordPress as their content management arrangement.
  • That's over 127 million websites.
  • In 2021, 306 billion emails are beingness sent per day. Past 2022, this number is expected to increase to 333.2 billion emails sent and received per day.
  • Every minute, Americans generate three,138,420 GB of internet traffic.

The almost common domain proper name extensions are:

  • .com
  • .net
  • .org
  • .co
  • .usa

2021 Internet Traffic Statistics

  • In 2020, 50.3% of all traffic worldwide was conducted on mobile telephone devices. This dip compared to the year before could exist due to the increased dependence on desktop devices during the Coronavirus pandemic or part of a larger trend. Most indications are that mobile will settle somewhere near 50 per centum of all traffic.
  • In 2009, just 0.7% of internet traffic worldwide was from mobile devices.
  • 63.38% of people browsing the cyberspace are using Google Chrome as their main browser.
  • 19.25% of people browsing the cyberspace are using Safari to practise it.
  • 3.77% of internet users choose Firefox as their principal browser.

The top 10 virtually visited sites on the web in 2020 were:

1. Google

two. YouTube

three. Tmall

iv. Baidu

5. QQ

half dozen. Sohu

7. Facebook

8. Taobao

9. Amazon

ten. Jd.com

Compared to 2019, Google and YouTube remained in the same positions, simply Facebook vicious from four to 7 after falling from 3 to 4 the year before. The side by side iv sites on the list are all Chinese websites, an indicator of the continued growth in Red china's net use.

Amazon.com jumped into the height 10 for the first fourth dimension last twelvemonth. The eCommerce giant has been growing rapidly, but at that place is no doubt information technology got a heave from all the extra online shopping that has been happening during the pandemic.

  • half-dozen.7 million people blog on popular blogging sites similar Tumblr, Blogger, and more.
  • Blogger is the largest blogging platform with over 46 million monthly active users. The majority of bloggers are women.
  • Currently, at that place are more than than 2 billion websites online.

Every second that a customer has to wait to load a web page increases their likelihood of clicking out. Research shows that equally load times go from ane second to 3 seconds, the probability of this occurring increases by 32%. If a page takes x seconds to load, it increases to 123%.

  • The average speed of websites in every manufacture in the Us is five-6 seconds. Nevertheless, the best practice, co-ordinate to Google, is iii seconds.
  • More than ane.5 million songs are streamed on Spotify each minute.

Social Media Statistics

The most popular social media channels in the world are:

  • Facebook: 2.7 billion agile users
  • YouTube: ii billion
  • Facebook Messenger: 1.three billion active users
  • Instagram: 1.158 billion active users
  • LinkedIn: 766 1000000 active users
  • TikTok: 689 million
  • Twitter: 330 one thousand thousand active users (downward from 335 meg in
  • Snapchat: 294 1000000 agile users

  • In 2021, there are 3.96 billion social media users effectually the globe.

  • Facebook is the seventh about visited website in the world.
  • YouTube is the number one downloaded app globally in 2021.
  • 68% of Americans utilize Facebook every bit their primary social media channel, followed past 35% using Instagram, 29% using Pinterest, and 24% on Twitter.
  •  Only 35% of people using Facebook are under 25.
  • 66% of monthly agile users on Facebook come back to the platform every day. 74% of American users are found on the platform daily, besides.
  • The average American uses Facebook for virtually i hour (58 minutes) every solar day.
  • The average session duration on Facebook is between 10 and 12 minutes.
  • 88% of Facebook traffic comes from mobile devices using the Facebook mobile application.
  • Facebook isn't only for connecting with friends and family or using Messenger. In fact, 78% of users have used the platform to discover new products and services. Facebook is the well-nigh popular marketing platform for any social media channel for B2B and B2C businesses.
  • fourscore% of people using Instagram are outside of the U.s.a..
  • 34% of users are Instagram are in the "Millennial" generation category.
  • 25% of smartphone users have the Instagram application installed on their device.
  • 22% of Instagram accounts login every single day.
  • 38% of all Instagram users will check their application more than once per day.
  • In a unmarried day on Instagram, 4.ii billion pictures are "liked." To add to that, there are nearly 100 million new pictures/posts created on Instagram every solar day, and 400 million more stories are posted. Story feature usage has increased past 100 meg posts since 2017.
  • Every minute, there are 79,740 posts published on Tumblr, 176,220 calls made on Skype, 473,400 tweets sent on Twitter, and 2,083,333 snaps sent on Snapchat.

Video Statistics

At that place are dozens of streaming platforms worldwide. The near popular video streaming platforms are:

  • YouTube: 1.8 billion unique monthly visitors
  • Netflix: 150 1000000 unique monthly visitors
  • Vimeo: 130 million unique monthly visitors
  • Yahoo! Screen: 125 meg unique monthly visitors
  • DailyMotion: 100 million unique monthly visitors
  • Hulu: 75 million unique monthly visitors

Hither are some statistics on video streaming:

  • 45% of people globally sentry an hour or more of online video content every day.
  • 50% of people betwixt the ages of xviii and 34 would driblet their electric current task to watch a new YouTube video from a channel they subscribe to.
  • 40% of Millennials report trusting YouTube for high-quality content. lx% of them stated that videos on the platform had impacted their personality and worldview.
  • Video is an integral part of the ownership journey for consumers in the modern world. 50% of people on the internet watch videos and production demos earlier purchasing anything.
  • Videos that go over 2 minutes in length tend to encounter a significant drop-off in user retention. Simply, if someone watches more than six minutes of your video, they are likely to stay for the entirety of it.
  • In the terminal few years alone, mobile video-based advertising spend has increased by 95%.
  • More than 50% of content consumed on YouTube is watched via mobile devices and the YouTube mobile application.
  • xc% of video views on Twitter happen through their mobile app.

Search Statistics

Google accounts for 87.96% of the global search engine market place. The rest is divided amongst Bing, Ask, and DuckDuckGo. For mobile search engine market share, Google.com once again dominates with 93.ii% of usage worldwide.

The superlative ten about popular search terms in 2020 were considerably different than those from 2019. This makes sense, as 2020 was a twelvemonth like no other. These were the most popular search terms in 2019. (sorted by monthly searches):

  • Weather - 24.4 meg
  • Maps - 20.4 million
  • Translate - 18.iii one thousand thousand
  • Calculator - xvi.2 million
  • YouTube to MP3 - xiii.vii million
  • Speed Test - 12.half-dozen one thousand thousand
  • News - 8.25 one thousand thousand
  • Thesaurus - 6.7 meg
  • Powerball - 5.seven one thousand thousand
  • Donald Trump - five.6 1000000

The most pop search terms in 2020 were:

As you can see, the pandemic, and the tools we tin use to adapt to it, were at the tiptop of people's minds throughout the past year.

  • Google processes over 3.five billion searches every single twenty-four hour period. That's 1.2 trillion searches each yr and 40,000 every 2d.
  • In 1999, Google crawlers took an entire calendar month to index l million website pages. In 2012, they accomplished the same chore in under 60 seconds.

Ecommerce Statistics

  • In 2018, global eCommerce (online store) sales totaled 653 billion United States dollars.
  • 96% of Americans shop with online stores at least once per year.

  • In 2021, mobile eCommerce sales now account for 72.9% of all online purchases, totaling three.56 trillion dollars.
  • Currently, 1 in 4 dollars of eCommerce spending is spent on mobile devices. Toys and hobbies were the number one item categories of purchase. The second was video games, consoles, and accessories.

eCommerce sales are largest around the holiday flavor and weekend days (Saturday, Sunday). According to the latest written report, Cyber Monday is the most pop twenty-four hours for eCommerce sales, totaling 7.8 billion dollars in 2018 lone. Black Friday produced v.9 billion in eCommerce sales in 2018.

The 2020 holiday season was a great year for eCommerce businesses, no doubt because of the pandemic. More than people chose to shop from domicile than ever before. eCommerce sales around the holidays have been growing for years. It will be interesting to run into if the growth experienced in 2020 repeats itself in 2021.

Billions of people around the globe use eCommerce. Here are the top countries for eCommerce users:

  • China: 1.03 billion people shop online
  • United States: 259 1000000 people shop online
  • Brazil: 119 meg people shop online
  • Frg: 64 million people store online
  • United mexican states: 60 one thousand thousand people shop online
  • United Kingdom: 53 1000000 people shop online

Despite existence the leader of full eCommerce users, the boilerplate revenue produced per user in China is merely $634. In the United States, the boilerplate revenue per eCommerce user is $1,952.

When it comes to the boilerplate social club value of online shopping (globally), desktop is the winner. Desktop purchases online average at $179.98. Online orders via tablets average at $87. Smartphones and mobile devices accept an boilerplate order value of $79.33.

Amazon is the number 1 eCommerce retailer in the U.s.a., accounting for 49.one% of all online shopping. Next is eBay with 6.half dozen%, followed by Apple, Walmart, The Home Depot, and Best Purchase.


The internet and technologies are continually changing. Be sure to check back for more as nosotros keep updating this ultimate list of internet statistics. Experience free to utilise them in your writing, blogs, websites, and more.

Source Listing:






https://world wide web.statista.com/statistics/272014/global-social-networks-ranked-by-number-of-users/

http://world wide web.ebizmba.com/articles/video-websites






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http://world wide web.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/10/24/facts-about-americans-and-facebook/



https://world wide web.recode.net/2018/six/25/17501224/instagram-facebook-snapchat-time-spent-growth-data

https://wearesocial.com/web log/2018/07/internet-growth-accelerates-but-facebook-ad-appointment-tumbles


https://world wide web.kleinerperkins.com/perspectives/internet-trends-report-2018



http://world wide web.pewinternet.org/2018/03/01/social-media-use-in-2018/

https://newsroom.emarketer.com/newsroom/index.php/worldwide-instagram-users-go on-abound/

https://world wide web.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/paper-souls/201601/instagram-is-the-happiest-identify-in-the-cyberspace-world

https://www.reuters.com/article/the states-facebook-instagram-users/instagrams-user-base-grows-to-more-than-500-meg-idUSKCN0Z71LN






https://blogging.org/web log/how-many-websites-and-blogs-are-on-the-cyberspace/




https://www.iab.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/2016-IAB-Video-Ad-Spend-Written report.pdf

https://world wide web.youtube.com/yt/printing/en-GB/statistics.html







Posted by: lucillelectong.blogspot.com

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